A Word on Quality of Nutritional Supplements
We have put a great deal of time into researching and choosing vendors with trusted quality products free of allergenic fillers, GMP-certified and 2nd & 3rd-party quality testing to offer our clients.
We are not able to research all available supplements on the market and if you want to use supplements outside of these vendors, it will be your responsibility to research quality of the products you choose.
Ordering Supplements for Home Delivery
1. Fullscript
You will need to use the link below to sign up or sign in to your Fullscript account. This account needs to be linked to a provider license.
Brands of nutritional supplements offered through Fullscript:
Integrative Theraputics
Nordic Naturals
Klaire Labs
OrthoMolecular Products
Pure Encapsulations
Douglas Labs
Vital Nutrients
Designs for Health
Protocol for Life Balance
Many, many more!!!
Fullscript offers a very large variety of brands and supplement formulation options such as tablets, capsules, chewables, liquid or powder.
2. Nutri-Dyn
1. Use the above link to create a new account:
2. Fill in name, phone, email & create a password
3. Enter the practitioner' code: 113012
4. Submit registration
5. Place your order - be sure all information is verified before submitting order
Brands of nutritional supplements offered through Nutri-Dyn:
Progressive Laboratories
DNA Laboratories, Inc.
American BioTech Labs
Bio-Botanical Research, Inc.
Use this link to log-in to your existing account:
NutriDyn in a Minnesota, family-owned business. Free shipping on orders over $50 and delivery is typically 2 -3 business days.
3. WholeScripts
WholeScripts offers numerous brands of nutritional supplements including Xymogen products.
1. Click the link above to register and choose "Register" at the top right.
2. Choose the "I'm a Patient" option & the "Continue" button.
3. Use Practitioner Code 4147500 for the "Referral Code" and VanWatermulen for the "Practitioner's Last Name" along with your email.
4. You will then create a password.
4. From the Office
You can call our office to have supplements that are stocked in the clinic mailed to you. Standard USPS mailing fees apply based on weight of the package.